Monday, September 22, 2008

Freedom of speech

This was for an article about freedom of speech but a deeper feeling came into the outcome as I was drawing it. You see I have this thing for edges. Its almost an obsessive compulsive desire but I have to stand near an edge when there is an edge near by to stand on... don't know why. Psychological evalutations wecome.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Illustration Friday, Clique

So after looking the word "Clique" up in the ol' trusty dictionary, I did this

Friday, September 5, 2008

The beginning

I really love the colour blue. I also love gliding my hand along the current of air that flies past the passenger window of a car, that almost convulsive shiver I get when someone gently traces their finger up the back of my neck, picking mooshed up twisties out of my molars with my tongue and freeing up a big chunkagunk to chew on, resting my arm ever so slightly against my dates arm in a movie theatre to see if she pulls away or not... and she doesn't.
I love all those things very much but the thing I love most of all is... actually howzabout I just show you...